LightSpeed has a long and proud history of working with WooThemes, and WooThemes are our first choice for quality premium themes when developing our WordPress based websites.
WooThemes makes our lives easier, and helps us to provide our clients with the most stylish and user friendly websites possible. We’ve built up years of experience in ripping the themes apart and customizing them to meet our client’s specific needs, we use WooThemes (particularly Canvas) for most of our development and we cannot sing the praises of the WooFramework enough.
That is why we are exceptionally proud to have been accepted as an Affiliated Woo Worker by WooThemes. What this means is that WooThemes acknowledge our top quality skills as WordPress Web developers with specialist knowledge in customizing and working with Woo Themes, and recommend our services to their clients – what better endorsement can you get?
We are looking forward to a long continued relationship with WooThemes and will continue to offer the best WordPress web solutions available to our clients.