Another 12 months have sped by and we’re getting ready for a bit of downtime. Our office will be closed from Thursday 22 to Tuesday 3 January, reopening on Wednesday 4 January. Over the period that the office is closed our support desk will be monitored so if you have any urgent website requirements or queries, please email us at [email protected] and a support staff member will respond as soon as they can.
We’ve had an exciting and challenging year of delivering website projects that we’re really proud of. We gave our LightSpeed brand a bit of a refresh and we are in the middle of redesigning our own website (at last!) which we’re aiming to launch early 2023. We’re still proud members of the WooExpert and Mailchimp Expert programmes.
We welcomed 3 new people to our team, Lourens, Justin and Adam, who have all hit the ground running and fitted right in to our way of working. As always, huge thanks go to Warwick, Chris and Iggi, our LightSpeed old-timers, for their outstanding work this year.

We would like to say a big thank you to our clients for your support and trust in us during 2022 and we look forward to being of service to you in 2023!
We wish you a safe and happy holiday season.