LSX Health 2.0 Release Notes

LSX Health 2.0 introduces multi-plan functionality, enhancing WordPress sites with diverse workout and meal plans, user-friendly settings, and WooCommerce integration for membership sales.

The LSX Health plugin allows you to add eating and workout plans to your LSX themed WordPress website.  Exercises are grouped in workouts and recipes and eating plans are grouped as meal plans. You can read more about LSX Health plugin in this post and on our LSX Product site.

Version 2.0 adds the possibility of adding multiple “Plans”. Read the LSX Health 2.0 release notes here.

If you’re using WooCommerce then you can sell memberships to separate plans or as a bundle.

Settings have been streamlined and cleaned up to be more user friendly, and easy to find.

If you are already using the LSX Health plugin and need help getting started, read through the LSX Health help documentation. More details in the LSX Health 2.0 release notes.

Go to our GitHub repo to read the LSX Health 2.0 release notes.

Multiple Plans

The ability to add multiple plans to one health plan website is new to LSX Health version 2.0. This will open up possibilities to develop custom plans for customers, or add plans based on specific exercises or dietary requirements.

Development notes

  • Enabling multi-plan functionality was no easy task, the LSX Health plugin was always used on single plan sites. 
  • The LSX Health plugin now has an “All Plans” archive
    • NOTE: We drew a lot of inspiration from Sensei LMS plugin, which allows site owners to sell courses with lessons & quizzes. 
  • Two “All Plans” archive layouts:
  • Navigate all plans on the site via the “Plans Archive”, which groups all your plan content in one place.
  • Filter by Plan status on the archive pages:
    • Free plans
    • Paid plans (using WooCommerce)
    • Featured plans
  • Filter by Plan types category on the archive pages:
    • Meals & Recipes only
    • Workouts & Exercises only
    • Combined Meal & Workout plans
  • Categorise plan posts by “Plan Type” category.
  • Plans posts have two layouts for weekly and daily plans, these layouts useful for different types if content.
  • Connect tips to your plan posts, reuse tip content easily on other plans if needed.
  • Intuitive settings page for configuring the LSX Health Plan plugin.

Demo pages

Check out the LSX Health demo site links to view multiple plans in action.


Development notes

  • Add recipes and eating plans, that include snacks and meals.  Link your recipes to your eating plans.
  • You can link shopping list download files or a page with the shopping list.
  • Add tips to your Meal plans and Recipes, reuse tip content easily on other plans.
  • Categorise Meal posts by “Meal Type” category.

Example demo pages:

Example designs:


Development notes

  • The menus have been grouped so that exercises and exercise categories display under one menu “Workouts”.
  • Add tips to your Recipes, reuse tip content easily on other plan related posts.
  • Categorise Recipe posts by “Cuisine” & “Recipe Type” categories.
lsx heatlh 2.0 release notes

Example demo pages


Development notes

  • The Workouts menu in the backend allows you to load workout plans, connect entire warm up routines and connect exercises to workout sets.
  • Add a warm up routine as a standalone workout, then reuse the warm up content easily when creating full Workouts.
  • Add tips to your Workouts and Exercises, reuse tip content easily on other plans.
  • Categorise Workout posts by “Workout Type” category.

Example demo pages

Example designs


Development notes

  • The menus have been grouped so that exercises and exercise categories display under one menu “Workouts”.
  • Exercises are added to a workout plan or to your webpage using a shortcode.
  • Add a video or gallery to exercises to enhance the instructional value.
  • Add tips to your Exercises, reuse tip content easily on other plan related posts.
  • Categorise Exercise posts by “Exercise Type”, “Muscle Group” & “Equipment” categories.

lsx heatlh 2.0 release notes

Example demo pages:


A variety of shortcodes allow you to add Plans, Workouts, Meals, Recipes and Exercises to pages without the need to connect them to other post types.

Development notes

  • Embed all Health Plan related content on static pages or blog posts.
  • Most of the shortcode functionality is brand new. 
  • Most of the shortcodes have a wide variety of options for displaying content. 

Demo site links

WooCommerce Integration with LSX Health

Development notes

  • Install WooCommerce and enable profile tabs that display personal information and your avatar.  
  • We recommend WooCommerce Memberships Extension for more advanced content restrictions on Health Plan content.
  • Trainers and Dieticians can create a membership site and monetise their intellectual property by selling Workout & Meal Plans online.
  • Create a WooCommerce virtual product or a membership product using WooCommerce Memberships, then connect the product to the a plan post and start selling easily.

Example demo pages

LSX Theme & Extension Integrations with LSX Health

The LSX Health Plan plugin is designed to work with the LSX Theme – LSX Search | Extensions | LSX Theme Product Website – Our theme allows you to display your Health Plan content beautifully. 

Easily extend your Health Plan website by searching for the LSX extensions below via “Add Plugins” in your WordPress backend:

  • Help your users share your health plan content with LSX Sharing 
  • Add filters to all archive pages with FacetWP and LSX Search
  • Add customer testimonials and display them using LSX Testimonials
  • Connect trainers to workouts and dieticians to meal plans using LSX Team
  • Add educational exercise instruction videos using LSX Videos
  • Customise your website’s colours, layouts and more with LSX Customiser
  • Customise your blog’s appearance with the LSX Blog Customiser
  • Build impressive mega menus with ease when you install LSX Mega Menus

Connect LSX Team Members with LSX Health

LSX Health integrates with LSX Team so that you can add Team Members (e.g. Dietician, Trainer) to a Plan, Workout or Meal Plan. Find out to install and add Team Members in the LSX Team documentation.

lsx heatlh 2.0 release notes